every trick in the book

美 [ˈevri trɪk ɪn ðə bʊk]英 [ˈevri trɪk ɪn ðə bʊk]
  • 千方百计;浑身解数;所有的办法;千方百计
every trick in the bookevery trick in the book
  1. Companies are using every trick in the book to stay one step in front of their competitors .


  2. I tried every trick in the book but I still couldn 't persuade them .


  3. I pulled out every trick in the book today .


  4. He 'll try every trick in the book to stop you from winning .


  5. He knows every trick in the book .


  6. Mitt Romney has used every trick in the book .


  7. Try every trick in the book if you have to , as one of them is bound to work .


  8. I 've tried every trick in the book to seduce him and still no luck !


  9. Countries fear that pharmaceutical companies will use unfair tactics , really , every trick in the book , to reduce competition from lower-priced generics .


  10. The baby will require your utmostattention : feed it , tickle it , rubble , bubble , or hugit ... using every trick in the book to make it stop crying !


  11. You may be tempted to try every trick in the book , such as scented love letters , coy and seductive glances , or bursting into tears in their vicinity .


  12. There are two obvious options : get tough and defend intellectual property rights with every legal and technological trick in the book , or tolerate some illegal copying in the hope of generating buzz and making money in some other way .
